A variation of a golden shower, this lewd sex act involves paying underage prostitutes to urinate on an object which represents your enemy or rival.
Bobby also seems to want Vanessa, so I grabbed his letter jacket while he was distracted to give it the ol' Trumped-up trickle-down. Can I borrow a tarp?
by OlSlickWillie January 11, 2017
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Trickle-down economics, but more YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!
The term was coined by Hillary Clinton during the first 2016 Presidential Debate to describe Donald Trump's tax plan.
"I call it 'Trumped-Up Trickle-Down,' because that's exactly what it would be."
-Hillary Clinton
by NEROtick September 28, 2016
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When at the urinal and shaking off the last of the pee of the tip of a cock.
by Roma_v.s May 6, 2017
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When you are foraging for wild mushrooms and you come across a tiny, sad shriveled & dehydrated mushroom. You feel saddened and decide to urinate on it to help hydrate it.
I had to do a Trump Trickle on the mica cap mushroom because it looked so small, shriveled & sad.
by DaddyUnicorn October 2, 2020
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