Mistakenly masturbating on a video conference call thinking the camera is off
Jon got fired for toobin’ during the Zoom sales meeting call.
by B M0ney October 20, 2020
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The act of pulling one’s penis out in a virtual meeting, presumably but not always with the camera turned off.
Meeting lead: Hi everyone, thanks for joining us. Before we get started, a few ground rules - keep yourself muted unless speaking, and no toobin’ unless your camera is off.
by Juxtaposeur October 19, 2020
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To knowingly or unknowingly masturbate on any video conferencing system while others are logged on to the video conference like Jeffrey Toobin, CNN Legal Analyst, did on 10/19/20.
Ben: It looks like Ralph just exposed himself on our Zoom conference call this morning. Did you see it?

Harold: Dude, I totally saw it! Ralph was Toobin’ in front of everyone!
by Mil3druid4 October 20, 2020
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The practice of verbalizing fantasies about the defeat and humiliation of your political opponents in a group setting, for the purposes of arousal and self-gratification.
“Man, they really care about the Supreme Court, huh?”

“Nah, they’re just Toobin’.”
by RightRev October 20, 2020
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The practice of verbalizing fantasies about the defeat and humiliation of your political opponents in a group setting, for the purposes of arousal and self-gratification.
“Man, they really care about the constitution, huh.”

“Nah, they’re just Toobin’.”
by RightRev October 20, 2020
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The practice of verbalizing fantasies about the defeat and humiliation of your political opponents in a group setting, for purposes of arousal and self-gratification.
Do you really care about the Supreme Court that much?”

“Nah, I’m just Toobin’.”
by RightRev October 20, 2020
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This reporter from CNN just got caught Toobin durning a zoom meeting.
by Miotoss October 19, 2020
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