A piece of shit. Some boys will like him, and every girl wants to hang out with him. He is a guy that would play videogames all day, and will only hang out with a boy if they have played ps4 with him. Otherwise, he would hang out with every girl. Literally. He will either an asshole, or a boring, akward person. Mainly both. If you're friends with him, your friendship will last a few months. He can also be desperate for friends. He gets boys by showing his latest r6 trickshots. Girls will often go to HIM, tho. They are usually named Brittney, or Sofia. Overall, he's a piece of bullshit. Fake.
Tomohei thinks he's funny, but he's not.
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Tomohei is a japanese guy who would be mostly around girls. This guy can be VERY akward. I mean..VERY. He usually plays on ps4 all day, and is kinda an introvert. If you know him alot, he will get more boring everyday. He will make any subject akward. He will steal your jokes alot, and will be kinda an asshole. But, if you are a girl, you would probably find him funny. If you are a boy, you will find him being a piece of shit. You're frirndship will last for a few weeks.
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