Also a holy grail for covidiots at this time. Covidiots somehow think that toilet paper is going to save them from some desease that is pretty much the cold except u cough more. And now because of them, I have to cut my paper towel in halt and give myself crack burns. Great.
Person 1: Why do you have 64 cases of toilet paper???
Covidiot: idk I don't feel safe without it I guess
Person 1: Ur messed up in the head bro
by new guy 101 April 22, 2020
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A package of Charmin's Ultra Soft that people are on a rampage and are battling for during the Coronavirus
"time to go to the store to buy some Toilet Paper,"
by Altirix March 21, 2020
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If you look online, you don't have to wonder where the toilet paper is going. As long as there's nothing keeping somebody from buying 10 packs of toilet paper they don't need, they're gonna start an online toilet paper business and make 10 times what the store would per pack of toilet paper or water, and the people who were at work when the truck came in are still gonna end up being their buyers online.
He/she made a lot of money selling toilet paper and water online.
by Solid Mantis March 20, 2020
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Me:Excuse me let me speak to your manager!

Me:do you have any toilet paper??
Me: I hate 2020
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Something that white ppl are fighting over cuz they stupid
by -MermyWazHere- April 26, 2020
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A piece of paper commonly used for wiping your ass after a good poop. They come in rolls and are usually positioned next to the toilet for ease of access.
Back in early 2020, people stocked up on toilet paper as to prepare for the lockdown. They did this to stay hygienic. The panic buying became so severe entire lanes of toilet paper in malls were left blank after a few weeks.
by slaptheBASS June 21, 2020
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