Tjelsie's are Polish boys who lose their virginity at a young age and are fairly annoying to people around them but very mature in their own ways.

The name Tjelsie comes from the name Sellche that was once mispronounced as Tjelsie. Sometimes Tjelsie is referred to as ''Tjels'' or Chelsea.
''OMG he's such a Tjelsie''

''Yea *Polish Cow Dance*''
by Jesse van der Dijk November 23, 2021
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A Polish man who is fairly annoying but can be liked, He’s like a little brother. He is often an ex-smoker but still does drugs. He would be an excellent streamer because of his energetic energy. He’s super hot and gets girls just by kidnapping them. He would look at girls and say ‘ that’s a steal ‘. He also loses his virginity at a young age and is very mature in his own way.
‘ Help Tjelsie kidnapped me ‘
‘ Don’t worry girl, he’s hot ‘
by DanielDerkmans November 22, 2021
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