Generally acts like a vagina and is scared of speaking up, or else get "in trouble".

Often has a protoge, known as "little titties".
Dude, don't be such a Titcomb!
by I'm a tumor February 3, 2011
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First mentioned by Conan O'brien on April 8, 2011.

A perverted sexual act performed by President Obama's close friend Bobby Titcomb on several Honolulu prostitutes.

Titcomb would smack his erect penis off the prostitutes breasts while ejaculating.
"He gave her the old titcomb"

"Is 50$ enough for the old titcomb?"

"Tracy Morgan gave a bunch of girls the old titcomb just after he appeared high on cocaine on Conan O'brien April, 5, 2011".
by JCmcgill April 8, 2011
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