When you say something three times about someone or call someone an insult thrice, it becomes true, but only if you truly mean the insult or name with all of your heart.
Friend 1: you don’t know how to find square root? Are you retarded or something?
Friend 2: don’t use the triple timer or it might be true!
by Freggsmash May 15, 2019
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The act of becoming one with your inner Tim. (I.E. the use of too many ass, penis, whore, or fuck references)
You timerized me.
by jEEbUs March 4, 2004
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A shot with a ball, or puck, without stopping the ball. Usually in soccer or hockey.
He gets the pass... oh and its a WAN-TIMER! gooooaaaal! goooooaaaal!
The Wan-timer... its a fake!
by Casey Wan December 14, 2007
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