That time of the week when living in a shared house that it is acceptable to get a bit gay with your house mates. For example on Thursgays you can share a bath with your buddy or have a naked mud wrestle and its totally legit because its Thursgay.
Guy 1 - what you up to tonight dude?
Guy 2 - going on a date with doris the dinnerlady.
Guy 1 - But its Thursgay! wanna take a bath together instead?
Guy 2 - Hell Yeah !
by Strong positive humour June 23, 2014
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A Thursgay is a night on which you go out with your gay/bi friends to gay town and drink many beverages especially good in Liverpool!

Love you gays.xx
by Sungay! April 13, 2009
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A day when all the guys at a workplace or school act day towards one another.
Guy 1: “John guess what day of the week it is.”
Guy 2: “It’s Thursgay!!!” *Grabs Guy 1’s ass*
by CookieBandit March 8, 2018
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