The thicc version of the Antonov-225.

First mentioned in Swiss001's "How Many Engines Does The ANTONOV Really Need To Fly?" video.

The word "Thicconov" is a wordplay of the name of the Russian aeronautics company "Antonov", where "Ant" from name "Antonov" have been replaced with the word "thicc" forming the word "Thicconov".

And it would be the plane that only "thicc" people would be able to fly in.
Ridin’ in the Thicconov, Thicconov
Yeah, yeah
by ScienceOS April 17, 2020
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Thicconov is a plane that is an antonov 225 and used by the youtuber Swiss001, and is thicc and can butter really good.
by Thicconov August 28, 2019
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Thicconov is a plane that is an antonov 225 and used by the youtube Swiss001, and is thicc and can butter the runway really good.
by Thicconov August 28, 2019
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