The largest mountain in northern europé with a span of 8 lightyears. It can live up to 1 million years but often choose to die at age 45 because of unhealty problems of consuming meat. A Theolindström is a rare creature that hunts with sticks and rocks and often rapes children. Most of the time Theolindström cleans hispanic peoples assholes with his toung, but sometimes he amputee his feet to use them as cleaning towels. Theolindströms can often be found in muddy lakes where people hide dead bodies. This species often uses corpses as nut rags, but can also use them for food. In Nigerian folklore it says Theolindströms often kidnap kids to make them in to stone people so that he one day can commit massmurder for sport.
-Don’t fuck that dead body, David.
-Why is that?
-It could already be filled with Theolindström nut.
by Burnard420 March 15, 2021
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