The art of rolling up a paper back book and inserting it into the anus.
Stephanie, the angry librarian, got mad at a child and shove a paperback book up his anus.
by 527283747 May 4, 2015
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originating from the library, you get a librarian to blow you, mid way the librarian slams a book shut on your pee pee.
susie the 120 year old librarian was blowing mr.bill when all of a sudden she angry librarianed him so bad it forced all the blood out his penise
by peepee1234555541 July 27, 2009
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When doing a chick doggie style in a bed with a bookcase headboard, you pound her so hard books fall onto her face, she sits up and looks at you like an angry librarian.
"I was fucking this chick so hard she pissed me off so I gave her an angry librarian!"
by Wolf373 June 7, 2007
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