One of two moving, somewhat imaginary styrofoam characters who torment you and can drive a skinny homocidal maniac to suicede!
"you notice, perhaps that i am not smiling. you never mean to kill yourself anyway you pathetic tick!"
-Psycho Doughboy
"Thats right Nny, free will and all that rot!" -Mr. Eff
by Cho-lay April 6, 2008
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lacks an advanced vocabulary, fails miserably at social interaction, total dumbass
that retard doughboy over there keeps screaming nonsensical shit
by hate doughboy October 21, 2021
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Any child, who is spoiled rotten, and eats a very large amount of food for breakfast, brunch, mid brunch, lunch, second lunch, heavy snack (aka full box of twinkies) light snack (aka any food with less then 10,000 calories), appetizer, dinner, dessert, another dessert (normally consisting of 2 extra pounds of sugar), 9:00 meal, 9:30 meal (usally consisting of small animals or children)

Doughyboys like to race slow cars with thier blazers. Such as V6 mustangs/ or Dodge Caravans. They are ricers and like to listen to country. They are normally gay or bisexual, but most are gay. They have pubic hair black comb-overs and weird teeth. They wear XL x 10¹¹¹¹¹ shirts and pants.

Finally, Doughboys are homophobes and like to look at children. You can find a doughboy at your local Wal-Mart (which is a cult and breeding grounds for Nazis.)

If you find a doughboy, run far away or they will suck you into their 7 stomachs.

Doughboy was very hungry, so he got in his blazer and drove to the City's 10 largest buffets, there was no food left. (For 10 weeks)
by Wal-Mart dude May 14, 2007
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