Someone who is so retarded, they are re-retarded. They have therefore gone back on themselves, and are just tarded.
(see Scott Dehnolm)
by paco May 21, 2004
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Any person who is not developmentally disabled, but rather has what is considered normal cognitive faculties but for whatever reason has opted out of using it. Whereas mental retardation is genetic in nature, this form of behavior is environmental usually resulting in too much daytime television, Brittany Spears piped in pop music, and other environmental factors.
That dude right there with the five kids he took to see the movie Basic Instinct Two who has an InSynch ringtone blaring through the movie theatre drowning out the lame dialogue is a tard. (2) That tard who thought he could drive a mile in front of me and cut in front of all of us in traffic is definitely a tard. (3) The fact that dude just asked who wanted to chat in a chat room is a citizen of Tardania.
by Jim Gleeson August 22, 2006
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When a mentally handicapped person gets an erection.
A retard with a boner has a tard-on.
by EverynightJunglist May 24, 2009
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Someone who is NOT retarded, but, acts like they are because they are too busy fantasizing about stupid bullshit to pay attention to the reality that surrounds them.
Poindexter is such a 'tard! He got into a car accident because he was too busy thinking about his fan fic sequel to "The Lord Of The Rings".
by Bull Shit Vick December 22, 2006
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1. Short form of "retard."
2. Slang for one who is considered to be foolish or socially inept.
3. An idiot.
"Stop trying to prove people wrong when you yourself are wrong, ya damn 'tard.
by daviji August 5, 2005
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A person who somewhat act 's like a retard but really isn't!
Chad : Oh Kiersten I love to kiss your neck it makes me so hard!
Kiersten : Keep doin it then after work we can find a room and fuck!
Steve: Hey guys what's goin on!
Chad : Can't you see I'm making out with my girlfriend get lost!
Steve : Oh mind if I join in! LOL
Kiersten : Get lost you creap!
Chad : Yeah get lost before I kick you stupid ass!
Kiersten : What a fuckin idiot!
Chad : Yeah he's such a Tard!
by SlopNChop February 2, 2017
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Stupid things that shouldn't exist and are obviously inbred. All they do is cost a shit ton of money and time and energy that is wasted. They should be locked in a building that has no budget and stay there forever.
by Fig boy May 29, 2018
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