slang term for the haircut "short back and sides"
the fuck did you get at the barber's mate? a short back and shite?
by europeanmale47 May 22, 2024
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A homosexual, someone who practices trouser love.
Dude: Has Jimmy got a girlfriend?
Other dude: That shite-pilot? he likes the cock too much.
by MadMax1993 January 9, 2012
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When some one shits their fucking pants because they got fucked up 10-1000 years ago
Friend: I just saw someone with a Shited-ass that was fucked up like 1000 years ago HAHA!
You: How did they get fucked?
Friend: Some one said Your mom gay and she wasnt able to say No u
You: Ok that sucks, im gonna take a fucking piss
Friend: Wait n- *fucking dies*
Stranger: SUCK MY B-
You: Shut the fuck up, your mom gay, go the fuck away, hello sir.
Stranger: *fucking explodes*
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