Lord of the Rings is an amazing trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. Lord of the Rings takes place in Middle Earth. Frodo Baggins is a Hobbit and he lives in Shire with his uncle, Bilbo Baggins. One day a grey wizard visits them and sends Frodo and his friends on a giant adventure, to save Middle Earth. In Hobbit his uncle, Bilbo finds a golden,powerful ring in the Misty Mountains while he was on an adventure with Gandalf, the wizard and the dwarves. Frodo needs to take the ring and throw it in the Mountain of Doom of Mordor where Sauron's eye rules. Will they make it alive? Or will someone die? Find out while watching the movies or reading the books!

I reccomend reading the books first and after watching the movies :)
by selfpuffs September 1, 2019
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the most incredible fantasy books ever written. written by J.R.R. Tolkien the most amazing fantasy writer ever.
I love Lord of the Rings.
by September 15, 2020
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a pretty damn good movie which i agree is another nerd cliche but for only freaks, theres a line between liking this movie a lot, and being a damn nerd about it and collecting every little toy and knowing the whole damn crew of the movie
dont know what to put here so fuck it!
by Ben Dover December 20, 2003
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lord of the rings makes me a total girl-dork for secretly being in love with.
i love the lord of the rings and i want to have sex with aragorn in lorien
by cashlyn July 17, 2006
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Violent and stormy weather, similar to the conditions faced by those little Hobbit guys as they trekked across Mordor looking for that damn ring.
Better take a raincoat if you're headed outside. It's pretty Lord of the Rings out there.
by T-Bone77 May 14, 2011
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Three movies about a bunch of midgets walking to a volcano.
It was a shame that Frodo from Lord Of The Rings stopped walking at the edge of the volcano and didn't take another few steps.
by mAD~mOD December 29, 2006
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1. a series of books written by JRR Tolkien.

2. a homosexual.

Origin: from lord, as in gaylord & ring, as in anus. Such a person belongs to the 'Fellowship of the Ring'.
"that bloke over there is very close to his male friend. He is blatantly a lord of the rings!"
by Ronny St Papps January 5, 2005
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