(tr. verb) - The act of trying to manipulate someone by making them feel guilty. Note that this is a transitive verb, so that if John guilts Mary, then John is making Mary feel guilty.

Another variation on this is "to guilt (someone) into (something)".
Chris: Could you go pick up a 12-pack of beer?
Mike: Aw man, I'm too drunk to go. Kevin's coming over soon. Call him.
Chris: Well, OK, I guess I can wait. I'm cooking dinner for us after all, so I probably shouldn't drink any more right now.
Mike: Chris, come on --
Chris: So how's your job? You know, the one that you love and never would have gotten if I didn't send your resume to my friend Alice?
Mike: All right, all right, I'll go. Geez! You don't have to guilt me!

Jake: Goddamn it, I gotta go shoe shopping with my girlfriend. I promised I'd buy her a pair of Pradas.
Dan: Pradas? What the fuck is that?
Jake: Expensive-ass shoes.
Dan: What are you doing that for?
Jake: Eh, she guilted me into it because I forgot her birthday.
Dan: Sucker!
by meb3031 August 22, 2007
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A useless yet very common emotion that plagues people and can make them go crazy. Guilt is so useless because after you have done the deed there is no changing it. Therefore there is no reason to fel bad it is counter productive and pointless. You catching my drift?
Person 1- Shit i just killed a raccoon with my car. The guilt is killing me! i can't sleep, eat, Bath! omg my hair is falling out!

Person 2- Why so guilty it was an accident suck it up. It's already dead it's corps is rotting and its spirit is in vermine heavan. suck it up.

Person 1- Fuck you.
by sportsforme June 25, 2010
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The guilt weighed him down so much he couldn't even walk around anymore, let alone fly.
by Prof. Osled November 23, 2009
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A useless emotion that makes you feel terrible about your actions until common sense regains control.


What women are skilled at using to get you to do their will
Guy - "I can't believe I just did that!!!!"

(Guy after a few minutes/hours) - "It actually wasn't that bad. I shouldn't feel guilt about doing what I want."
by Cmmnsense May 20, 2011
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Something that people try to put on your shoulders if you try to make a decent living. This is often pushed on by a WD, scum, crackwhore, socialist, or IRS.
"My wife brought home a case of guilt for making to much money."

"She gave money to a crackwhore because she a had case of the guilt."
by Chesse spotter March 4, 2008
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You'll live with it all your life
"Guilt is my roommate"
by FitnessGram October 21, 2021
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To have one guilt you into doing things you feel uncomfortable doing or feel regret for later.
"I Can't believe I was guilted into watching Salvadorians party at a soccer game with my Mother"
by Ryager:) May 26, 2013
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