An upstanding member of the Third Reich who believes people should be threatened with internment in a concentration camp if there communication skills aren't perfect... Wait! I was just kidding! Please don't take me away!!! Heil Webst...
GN1) That Arschloch over they're should be sent to Auschwitz!

GN2) Did you just...

GN1) How dare you question a fellow grammar nazi!

GN2) Too late, mein Herr. Heil Webster! Grammatik macht frei!
by Urban Merriam March 27, 2010
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1. Somebody who corrects another person's grammar and spelling in an ad hominem attack.
2. A label incorrectly applied to a person who corrects another person's grammar and spelling, regardless of other content in their post and the egregiousness of the errors being corrected. Ironically, this misuse of the label is itself an ad hominem attack.
1. Poster 1- I like Obama's proposle for healthcare reform: It would give poor Americans access to much needed healthcare while retaining the option of private insurance for those who can afford it.
Poster 2- You misspelled "proposal", so your ideas are invalid.
Poster 1- I made a perfect logical point, and a typo does not refute that, you're just being a grammar nazi.
Poster 2- That's a run-on sentence.

2. Poster 1- I h8 oB4m4 b-cuz he wuznt brn 1n da AMEEEERRRIIIICCCCAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Poster 2- Okay... I took the time to decode what you were actually trying to say with your horrific spelling, and it really annoys me when you "birthers" stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and ignore the fact that Obama has released his birth certificate and he was born in the United States.
Poster 1- ur sch a GRMR NZI!!!!!!1!!!11!
by endercoaster August 4, 2009
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(noun) one who is intent on correcting everyone's incorrect grammar
oh em gee, that guy is such a grammar nazi!
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A person who uses proper English, proofreads papers for fun, and gernerally corrects everyone's improper grammar. This person feels very ashamed when he or she is caught making such errors and corrects himself/herself often. It should be noted that a Grammar Nazi simply wants to help others and does not correct others out of arrogance.
In journalism class, many preferred going to the Grammar Nazi for help over going to the teacher.
by Tromp September 3, 2007
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where you go into youtube comments, and you find people correcting people.
Bob809550948094809548094558: wow thats so kool.
BarackObama0432328390432802383428934328: *Wow, that's so cool.
Bob809550948094809548094558: you grammer nazi
BarackObama0432328390432802383428934328: *You grammar nazi.
by AnonymouslyGreat December 27, 2016
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Grammar Nazi's are by far the most hated people on the internet. Due to the simple fact you know in daily life their ether absolute nobody or somebody with nobody.

So they feel they have to adjust spelling and grammar because they genuinely believe that spelling, and grammar is the only way to live.

I would love to say grammar Nazi's are similar to Trolls (see Trolls), However this is not the case. They actually do get angry at unreasonable grammar, Even though they seem to forget that planet earth is multicultural and English is not some peoples first second or third language. However Grammar Nazi's only usually speak one language English.

Grammar Nazi's can only be found on the internet This is due to their absolute coward ness outside the world wide web. If a grammar Nazi was to exist outside the internet there head would presumably explode this is because in the real world, most humans speak somewhat slang, and if a random grammar Nazi was to correct someone on the high street for example, they would get the hardest punch on the face they could possibly receive.

I am the human version of a pokedex and this was about the human type Grammar Nazi
Boy1: hi boy2 how you today

Boy2: I am certain you mean. Hi Boy2 how is your day.

Boy1: stop being a faget.

Boy2: What is a faget?.

Boy1: your such a grammer nazi

Boy2: You are such a Grammar Nazi

Boy1: left conversation
by XCTN Pokedex June 16, 2013
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A person on the Internet that uses proper spelling and grammar. They usually dwell on forums or other social websites and correct the grammar/spelling of, or insult those who have improper grammar or spelling.

The Grammar Nazi will be hated by the person targeted by "He who spells". The "victim" will usually resort to useless insults.

It is a sophisticated form of trolling. The end result is serving the duty of the Grammar Nazi, and causing the idiot to be enraged.
(Assuming this takes place on YouTube. GN = Grammar Nazi.)

Person: "dat vid was sooo tight man u r a genius. da vid iz funny cuz its tru"

GN: "Excuse me. Did you take elementary school English classes? It seems that your sentence has many spelling and punctuation mistakes.

Person: "*response or private message* hey man wat da hell iz wrong with u? just cuz u no how 2 spell doesnt make u ne smarter. u r probably a virgin or gay. hahaha. u cant even get gurlz. deres no reason 2 b a grammer nazi"

GN: "Well, it might not make me smarter, but it definitely makes you dumber. Don't even get me started on the mistakes in that response."

*to self* "Success."
by Chris Tai October 6, 2010
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