A term used for a guy that is with a girl with a phat ass. This guy is usually well-hung and a respected individual.
Maire: Just saw cake boss with his girl on campus today. He must be packing to be able to handle all of that ass.
Bella: haha, the cake boss must be so proud to be with her. She is built like Kim K.
by Snake145 November 24, 2022
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Triangle professional, u get the girls, but then get friendzoned hard. U r acc so bad at overwatch but atleast u respect the daddy torb, coz hes daddy.

He also likes beating kids that r jept in tobys basement (even tho he doesnt have a basement)
Girl1: omg mattie (mootoo the boss) popped up in dm
Girl2: same
Girl3:same!! He told me his fetish for feet and triangles
Girl1: ew
Girl2:Well imma friend zone him then
by Gamergirl69999 December 31, 2020
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A piece of meat that is difficult to eat, or is eaten reluctantly at the end of a meal. (Similar to a boss at the end of a game level.)
I just ate beef and carrot stew, and at the bottom of my bowl was one last huge piece of boss meat.

At Joe's restaurant, I ate the appetizer, salad, mashed potatoes, rice, and drank my whole soda, and nothing was left except for a boss meat.
by vince_k May 7, 2014
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A person who drops their maturity level from its current position to almost 0.
by GinG60 July 24, 2015
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A kid that is the son/daughter of the owner of a good sized company or corporation. He or she typically rebels and fights the system. Whether it be protests, careless living, tattoos, drugs, etc.

The also typically use douche bag terms or phrases.
"Good thing you are the boss's kid!! Wink wink ;)"
by pps_reachout March 4, 2014
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This is when you hate your life because you hate your job. Typically this is a result of hating your boss and you often find that you rant and rave about how he should be dead or in jail. So what do you do? You secretly invite his mother to the office on Mother’s Day and sneak into his office and have the dirtiest sex imaginable. Fingers in the ass...everything. But then the job isn’t done. Once you send her on her way you shit in his pencil drawer at his desk. Big steamer.

Time to wrap up. Quietly tiptoe out of there and punch that time clock. You’ve accomplished all you’re getting done today.
“Hi, Deanna?” It’s Jim from the front desk. Listen your son can’t talk right now, he’s in a meeting. But Happy Mothers Day! Why don’t you come to the office.”

...then you proceed to step on her face while you bend her over the desk...

“That was amazing, why don’t you go clean up. I’ll be right there.”

Steer clear of the office for a little while boys. I just did us all a solid and Motherfucked The Boss . You mind punching me out? I need a cigarette.
by Larry and Rex and Benny February 5, 2020
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