The totally tight and incrediably hot group of guys who constructed works bomb's, and caused outrage and general upheaval at homes across Mn.

To be tight knit.
"All the hot girls want to have sex with the bomb squad."
"St. Thomas Academy has kicked out 3 members of the bomb squad."
"Man they are laid back, like a bomb squad.
by The Bomb Squad April 22, 2005
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A perk, or perquisite, used in online multiplayer and split screen multiplayer in both Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and Call of Duty: World at War. This perk is a First perk (blue). It allows the user to seek out explosive devices such as bouncing bettys and claymores on both games. Unlike some other perks in the Cod genre, this perk is not biased towards hardcore or core game modes. For example: Stopping power while great in core, is very much useless in hardcore because the players already have extremely low health in hardcore. Stopping power therefore presents a bias towards core. But as stated earlier, Bomb Squad is widely used in both types of game mode, hardcore and core.
Major Dan: Squad A move out, Rogers come with me. You got bomb squad right?
Gunnery Sergant Rogers: Yes sir.

*walk down an deserted ally*

Rogers: Whoa Major Dan, claymore to your right. See it?
Dan: Yep. *destroys claymore* Lets kick some ass!
by MerkerMike September 2, 2009
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To push one's way to the front of a crowd.
Sometimes it is heard shouted as one pushes through the people.
Katt wants to be at the front for the show, so we have to bomb squad.
by katt via vince April 14, 2008
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A reply to a message board or elsewhere that defuses a hostile or inflammatory previous post that normally might start a flame war.
Angry user: We don't care to hear your lifelong musings just a short opinion.

bomb squad reply: Some want less and some want more. That's the great thing about this board - there's something for everyone.
by mdamdm February 7, 2009
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portugese drag racers who's cars coninuously explode drivetrain components due to shitty driving, and never take any good advice on how to avoid this.
Hey, Didnt Helder from the Portugese bomb squad just yak his motor for the third time?
by CokBlok March 24, 2008
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When a girl is laying on her back with a man straddling her chest while she administers oral sex and the man flatulates on her breasts causing a "raspberry".
"He gave me a polish bomb squad last night; it tickled"
by dungeonmasterdave February 5, 2012
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A retort by a poser clan known as the “Bomb Squad,” whom are characterized as inferior in intellect, and penile size or girth. Typically, said retort comes as at the end of an insult leveled by one or more of superior intellect (to a Bomb Squad member) and/or standing among their peers or society at large.
Human Being: Yo' momma is a carpenter's dream - flat as a board and so easy to nail."
Bomb Squad Reply: "You liar, the carpenter is just nice. I heard her thank him for a Cincinnati Bow Tie."

Human Being1: "Did you see his pecker ?"
Human Being2: "Are you serious, that was a guy? I thought it was an aroused female."
by urbanassault2 October 4, 2009
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