East Oakland 300 trick fuck wit it!"

300 hoe...

300 mob shit trick... who want it?
by eastoakland300_chick January 6, 2005
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300 is a racist movie with absolutely no historical basis, it is widely believed that the Spartans won the battle of thermopylae, but in reality, all they did was hold off the Persians for less than 3 days before every single one was killed. the Persians in the movie are played by black men, but in reality, Persians are whiter than Greeks.

the best approximation of forces
Greece: 300 Spartans + 5000 other greek soldiers
Persia: ~20,000 immortals + 2000-2500 fodder conscript soldiers.

Persia: ~3000
Greece: 5000
as you can see, the Persians owned the Greeks at thermopylae, but the idiot Hollywood directors once again make the Persians look like animals.

300 sucked, don't go see it.
by da booze man January 24, 2007
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1. The number following 299, and preceding 301

2. An award-winning graphic novel depicting the Battle of Thermopylae by Frank Miller, inspired by the movie The 300 Spartans. It's first issue was published in May 1998.

3. A movie based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller, highly praised but often criticized for it's historical inaccuracy by people that fail to realize that it's a movie based off of a comic book, which was in turn based off of another movie, and NOT a documentary.

4. A perfect score in bowling.
1. ...298, 299, 300,...

2. "I read Frank Miller's 300 yesterday, it's truly a masterpiece."

3. Person 1: "Hey, did you go see the new movie, 300?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it was terrible. There was almost no
historical accuracy. The fighting styles were wrong, the
armor was wrong, and the numbers were wrong."
Person 1: "No shit, sherlock. It's a movie, not a

4. Person 1: "I bowled a 300 today!"
Person 2: "That's amazing! You should go pro."
by Morrauk March 19, 2007
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Holy shit Montana of 300's song Holy Ghost if fucking fire it burned up an entire hospital
by Kkb123 January 30, 2016
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The secret of the industry; To pass on a favor concerning around $300.00 free dollars of choice to a stranger. The stranger in turn recieves the benfit of purchasing the $300.00 product that he or she gave to you, (having to pay the actual price of the product), that you recived for almost nothing when he or she gave you the $300.00 product of choice for a coupon price.
The girl recieved the 300 creme for a almost nonexistent price, because the clerk believed the girl when she said she left her coupon at home. The girl returned to the store, and the clerk let the girl know that she the clerk is now using the creme too!
by Choose Wiseley October 1, 2011
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A song in the Konami game "Dance Dance Revolution" with a satanic overload of arrows filling up the screen as they scroll at a breakneck 300 bpm. It appears that people's feet blur as they attempt this level. There is a blinking warning label attached to the song, as most people attempting it die of exhaustion or trauma to their shins.
"John lost both his legs"
"From jumping off a bridge?"
"No, from playing MAX300"
by Anonymous September 3, 2003
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