Pregnant and prison. Used to succinctly describe the future of your booty call's hopeless children.
After an hour of listening to his fuck buddy give him shit about his desire to go back to school, Jason turned to her and said, "Bitch, with that kind of attitude your lil girl and boy are going to grow up representing the 2 P's - pregnant and prison!"
by ThyRoid Rage December 10, 2010
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Pokemon Posse. The most hardcore of all gangs. Colors: Green and Black. The posse is found mostly in north eastern Ohio. Beware though, most are armed with moltovs.
Shiiiit dawg, p^2 is in the 'hood. We best bounce afore we get smacked.
by ash ketchum December 25, 2005
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abbreviation for:


When a lady tries to seduce a man for her personal gain.
She would offer vice, or even sex so that a man would put forth effort or finances.

Most of the times, the men involved are unaware of the female's intent, so most men fall prey
examples of p squared (P^2)

1) Alice pretends to like her classmate Bob, and shows interest giving him the impression that he could get vice, or sex. in return she expects help with school work or have him do her school work for her.

2) Shaniqa has sex with Paul so he could purchase a house and car for her

3) a girl would give a fella d slight touch, to get him to buy lunch for her.
by TRUTH-MAN-LOL November 13, 2011
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