Teagan is a bright intelligent girl that is humble and doesn’t like to show her intelligence.Teagan is a down to earth person that loves to help people no matter what the situation may be Teagan will be there to lend a helping hand you can always count on Teagan. Teagan is not a loudly spoken when it comes to showing how she is feeling on a day to day basis Teagan is always smiling and laughing you will never catch her slipping although the pain she faces every day she never make a moment dull she is always positive Teagan will prefer to keep her emotions to herself no matter how much she is hurting she wouldn’t want to bother others when her troubles Teagan has or will have something scary and traumatic happen to her in her life.Teagan has a Strong mindset to achieve and do better in life . Teagan has golden glow skin and dark curly hair with beautiful chocolate eyes . Teagan has a bright future to look forward to with her better half and kids they will have two dogs and a cat. Teagans future will start shaping out and falling into place soon.
The meaning on Teagan
by ..man above April 20, 2020
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Super duper funny, awesome, cool, smart, beautiful, sexy, cool, awesome, fantastic, Teagan, sexy, and other compliments.
"Teagan has to be the coolest, smartest, funniest, sexiest (yummy), hottest, nicest, funniest, smartest, cooliest, fantasticist, awesomest, and other nice compliments GUY that I've ever met!"
by tiggertheni May 7, 2019
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A beautiful girl despite any setbacks being thrown at her. She strongly braves through any issue with determination and will. She enjoys the company of those close to her and treasures friendship and her family. Though she might feel insecure and require constant reassurance of her behaviour or actions, she learns quickly and strives to accomadate to all her friends and become a better person than the girl from the previous day. Sometimes she might not feel confident in herself due to some issues in her life but she must always remember that she is constantly loved and treasured too. Teagan is like a small gummy bear, cute and sweet. Other than her friends, YouTube and songs by Taylor Swift keep her company. She enjoys many songs which include Kpop hits. With a quirky personality yet a quiet one, she is able to communicate well and work her way around a room effortlessly. She is hardworking and excels in her studies due to her perseverance. A fast learner and amazing listener. She will always find a place in our hearts.
Teagan is amazing, smart and funny.
by amayegak November 24, 2021
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Teagan is more popular for a girl it can be for a boy though. Anyways Teagan's are normally beautiful even if they don't seem to think that. Sometimes they may say there ugly for attention which can get on someone's nerves. They tend to have really big brown eyes and an innocent face. When you want to compete don't choose a teagan they will win. They dream to be a big star and get there. And for some weird reason any Teagan you meet is always good at singing. Also teagan's tend to be on the shyier side of life, but still want t be around people. Teagans are really nice to people so if you hurt them you'll hurt your self, because they are super kind. You will feel bad if you do hurt them, because they have never done anything to offend you.
Random kid, No one can win. Teagan comes up I can! NO you can't says the boys. Two seconds later she does and blows your mind.
by Unipandagirl April 17, 2019
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to crave cookies. also to describe a jaunty cap
Man, I'm really teaganing for some cookies.
That hat is so teagan!
by omnomnom1234 February 20, 2009
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Teagan is a very handsome man. He loves helping people. He is very competitive. He will get out of his in way too make sure that others are okay.

He is an amazing boyfriend and will do anything to make his girlfriend happy. He also loves putting smiles on everyone's face. He also has a great sense of humor. He is a very independent and responsible man. And you would be very lucky to have a Teagan in your life.
by The Urban Truth 2.0 December 30, 2019
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