Nickname of the enigmatic owner of the world-renowned "Big Sock Artisan Bakery" specializing in the production of Pickle Bread. Real name Tiffany.
Jimmy: "Have you seen Taydro?"
Jake: "Who?"
Jimmy: "Pale girl, long neck, wonky elbows"
Jake: "Oh! Tiffany? Yeah, I keep calling her late at night asking her to come over"
by Dildro April 27, 2021
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Nickname of the enigmatic owner of the world-renowned "Big Sock Artisan Bakery" specializing in the production of Pickle Bread. AKA Tiffany
Jimmy: "Have you seen Taydro?"
Jake: "Who?"
Jimmy: "Pale girl, long neck, wonky elbows"
Jake: "Oh! Tiffany? Yeah, I keep calling her late at night asking for her to come over"
by Dildro April 27, 2021
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