A singular/plural term used to describe a/multiple pseudo-alpha douchebag(s) that can't pace their liquor consumption, spends 4 hours a day on tinder, and collect phone numbers as if they were playing Pokémon Go. The Tampa Boy will also shout YOLO, ask people who are leaving the nightclub for their wristband to avoid paying a cover charge and brag about their $700 Al Merrick surfboards.

They will often attempt to cold approach women in broad daylight who have no interest in talking to anyone who isn't 6'2 with an 8-pack in an attempt to entertain their Tampa Boy brethren. In some cases, they will steal other people's girls at the bar, especially if they just met off Tinder. Tampa Boy don't believe in sleep, as they party all night and then go dawn patrol 4ft 2ndlight a few hours later. Tampa Boys know no boundaries because they're constantly redefining them. If you were to mix a cult and fraternity together, you'd get Tampa Boy.
Frat Boy Chad: "Man, that GDI with the Hurley boardshorts and Natty Light keeps hitting on Stacy and it's our first Tinder Date"

Frat Boy Brad: "He's too confident and big down there to be a Geed. Must be a Tampa Boy."

Stacey: "He's confident and whaaa..."
*goes off with Tampa Boy"
by Theogtampaboy November 17, 2020
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a guy who lives in new tampa and is afraid of putting in effort or defending himself when insulted thus being "too nice"
Did you see how christian just stole zachs girlfriend?
Yeah, hes such a new tampa nice boy
by jesusarizona August 10, 2022
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