A beautiful mix of the word titty; and luscious.
"DAAMNnnnnn...That girl was tittyliscious!"
by Annie & Aaron April 26, 2004
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1. a women that has pretty titties
2. extreme bootyliciousness that doesnt begin to describe how awesome this person is
1. Ooh thats a tittylicious dress on you
2. You're looking mighty tittylicous today.
by C.R.H.D est. 06 October 4, 2006
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for when someone has impeccable tittys and the only word you can say to describe it is tittylicious
person 1: have you seen rebecca’s tits?

person 2: yeah dude! their tittylicious!

person 1: she’s got a great pair of totters!!
by tillbo January 14, 2021
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When you see a pair of boobies, there so amazing there just tittylicious
I saw Kim kardashians tits, and they were tittylicious
by Foreveralone911 August 25, 2012
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