Twenty-Fifth Amendment
Thanks Omarosa. You granted legitimacy to a racist president and now - #TFA is a thing.
by anyrandomname September 11, 2018
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TFA stands for Teach for America. Teach For America is a national corps of recent college graduates and young professionals of all academic majors, career interests, and professional backgrounds who commit two years to teach in urban and rural public schools and become leaders in the effort to expand educational opportunity.
Its mission is to enlist the nation's most promising future leaders in the movement to eliminate educational inequality.
I think I might apply to work for TFA because it has such a great mission... but I think I'll apply for an investment bank instead.
by Master Educator Mike September 22, 2007
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Twenty-fifth Amendment
by Freelancer_B September 10, 2018
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Totally Frickin Awsome!
self explanatory
That is so TFA!
That shirt you bought at the mall is TFA!
by itjusmar November 6, 2006
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a place of meaningless incoherant babble.
The old people love to hang out at TFA.
by Bob November 18, 2003
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Girl: Hey! How are you doing?
Boy: I'm doing well, tfa. Hru?
by Mzkarizmatic November 8, 2010
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