Usually a real one, handsome, smart, and misunderstood, they usually come off as full of themselves and think they’re all that, but in reality those people who think that are just haters and can’t realize he’s being himself, he’s also usually good at football, good traits is that they’re funny, chill, can get women when he try’s and also is attractive to women, bad traits is that they usually don’t care and have a high chance to steal your woman.
Yo that’s Syyer
I know he’s so cute!
by Realpulsive ginger June 1, 2021
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THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE. I couldn't have wished for a better bf than syyer. He knows how to jerk me off so perfect. It's actually stunning. I love you baby!!
Syyer really knows how to work that ass!
by Syyer June 1, 2021
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