Syntaxing (verb) - The action (or art) of computer programming hackery. Syntaxing is what any good programmer does during the hours of 9 to 5. Only elite and high-level programmers refer to their trade as "Syntaxing." Low level programmers are not worthy of referring to their work as "Syntaxing."
Nathan: "Hey what are you doing?"
Vanessa: "I am syntaxing this new website we are building."
by WordBoom July 24, 2012
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v. (Present active. Past tense: Syntaxed) The act of a person pointing out mistakes in another person's code not related the ideas itself but rather to the construction of the code in the current language. Generally considered pedantic unless explicitly solicited, since modern compilers will do this by default, and some IDEs even point out the error prior to compile time.

Related to syntax (in the programming sense). If the syntaxing is pointing to a correct case, the case is a syntax error. When a compiler throws the error, it is a compile-time error. When the IDE points it out, it is a compile warning.
No, Mr. Gates, when I point out the critical logical faults in your programs I am not syntaxing you!
by VerbMaker August 22, 2010
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A linguistic concept. Syntax is the way how words are combined to phrases or sentences. Syntax is commonly defined as a set of rules, which, if followed, are capable to produce all possible sentences (or programms if you consider computer languages as well) of a specific language correctly.
There are psychologists that assume that there has to be a syntax in our brains to understand language at all.
One (possible) rule of the english language: "In declarative sentences the word order is subject, predicate, object", e.g. Tom (subject) is sitting (predicate) on the chair (object).
by Pumuckl June 8, 2005
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A small fee you have to pay for breaking one of the 10 Commandments.
Tiger Woods: Oh look, I committed adultery.
Government: And now you have to pay a syntax of $250,000.
Tiger Woods: Why so much?
Government: Repeat offender.
by williejameshuff February 26, 2010
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The rules by which a system or string of words is governed. Synonymous with "Grammar."
"Understand don't I saying what you're." would be an example of incorrect syntax.
by Dan February 20, 2005
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A synthetic form of LSD (AKA Acid). "Synt"(Synthetic)+"AX"(Acid), SYNTAX is an idiotic abbreviation for a poorly concocted and relatively safe street drug.

While LSD is known for being synthetic, this form is an altered form, known as LD-427 instead of the classic monikor "LSD." It has not currently been banned, but the government is in the process of banning the substance.

The drug is believed to be created by Internet statistician, Chip Piazza.
by jeffiebeam February 5, 2016
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