Rad, fantastic, awesom. May be used to describe people who are extremely amazing and cool and are the slightest bit stupid(;
Man, dude check out hallies swaggertastic pants. Man, her and val are so swaggertastic!!
by Swaggertastic(: November 15, 2009
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A word describing someone that carries themself with a certain swagger that is fantastic and wonderful to those who are blessed to experience it at any given time.
Jermaine: I swear, being this perfect is a full time job. Light skin with a nice grin. Niggas, im ya girlfiend's hero. She be calling me her Supermaine. The Pretty Boi is here ! Ladies holla.

Millie: Oh shit! That Jermaine nigga is sooo Swaggertastical. I wish he was mine. I'd do anything to have him.

by Jermaine aka The Pretty Boi August 4, 2008
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