Adj. The most demeaning word possible towards a girl. One that would be used to describe a girl who you go out with for longer than 6 months and then you find out she's a complete bitch, backstabbing whore, with no heart. To be used expecially with girls named Amanda or Katie (thus the reason for the "a" and "k" in this very word, with their last name initials composing the first two letters).
Dude, she's a fucking svak, you have to get back at her.
by Kevin and Steven May 29, 2008
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svak autisme is not the same as normal autisme.
it does not affect your health, but it may make your day harder

•can’t write correctly
•can’t take jokes
•around 0 in iq
du kan ikke skrive, og du har 0 i iq. du må ha svak autisme du også
by Breirem July 8, 2022
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