1. adj. Great, Fantastic, The Best.

2. adj. Including, Containing, or having to do with Sour Cream or Tomatoes.
1. This band is supreme!

2. How does adding sour cream and tomatoes to a taco make it supreme?
by Anonymousx1x July 19, 2006
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A clothing brand that's for hype beast fags with their parents cresit card. And wear it to compensate for their micro-penis.
Hey that kid is wearing supreme .
Hey supreme is gay af.
by Fags cunts gay ass December 16, 2017
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a clothing brand used by the "popular" kids in school
also, they can turn a white $10 shirt and a $299 shirt.
Some American: I got a Supreme shirt to let me flex and steal girls
by get noob on July 25, 2019
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Little do people know, supreme is actually a skateboard brand, and most people who wear it are posers.
Posers who wear supreme suck!
by Someone who actually skates December 2, 2018
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It is a expensive stupid dumb shit of a cheap T-shirt to fucking expensive t shirt
Look those fags are wereing that expensive supreme shirt omg
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A dirty little boy Who don't wash himself for like 50 YEARS!!
Supreme, Butt-Nut, Dirty Boy, Fugly, Ugly, Dick, Ass
by Laurra dilson April 25, 2010
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