Something that you may consider when you're in difficulty, but you shouldn't do that. You're precious, so please don't harm your life.
Elly, please don't commit suicide! You're so precious. How can I stay without you??
by austinlim July 10, 2022
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Something not enough people see as a problem. Suicidal people are just people that forgot, that it's ok.. To need love
Person: I'm depressed
Society: You're overreacting
Person: i cut myself
Society: It's for attention
Person commits suicide
Society: We didn't see the signs
by FlipAClip November 28, 2016
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Killing the person that tried to kill you. Meaning you are killing you, which wants to kill you. (I lost a brain cell trying to define this)
I'm gonna kermit suicide (It softens the phrase a bit, though you know you're dying inside just a little more)
by Ididyourmomslaundry November 15, 2018
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Suicide is not a joke AT ALL many people mock it and say "emo depressed fags" only commit suicide This got me pissed off to the max I had a bestfriend who I spent my whole life with ended her life...only god knows why...people who consider suicide or commit suicide do it because they most likely are in a living hell in which they can not anymore im not suicidal or even defending suicide all im saying is people should not mock suicide because it really does happen people dont threaten to commit suicide for attention or because there "fake" they do it because somebody or something was ruining there fucking bad would you feel if you made fun or mocked a person threating to commit suicide ended up dead...youd feel like a scumbag...Moral of the story suicides real not just a thing people threaten to do for attention
Cathy commited suicide i had made fun of her because i thought she was seeking attention ill never be the same
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Dispite our efforts, it is considered a final option that is available to many. Attempted by some (for an unfathomable number of reasons), and commited by many to cease a relentless pain. However, it is more painful to merely exist and endure your present situation then commit this act that is deemed "insideous" by the masses. In short, one commits this action once "coping" and sustaining forces are dwarfed by an incomprehensible amount of pain.
Jacob: "Hey buddy, what's up? How was your weekend"
Terry: "Fine..."
Jacob: "That's cool, see you later!"
Terry: (mutters) "To think I nearly committed suicide,... what does that fool know..."
*Anguish consumes Terry's being*
by Searching... January 13, 2006
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Should technically be called self defense because your killing the person trying to kill you
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Killing yourself. It may be caused by a large feeling of helplessness or self doubt. Many people who experience depression, anxiety, Or PTSD may have suicidal thoughts.

The many different ways to commit suicide are hanging, slitting your wrist or throat, poison, burning, shooting yourself, and many more.

It was also sometimes used as a ritual in religion.
In 13 Reason’s why Hannah Baker committed suicide...
by Dem goat legs July 12, 2018
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