Streethouse is a small ex mining town with a population of not working working class. A very proud breed of people all very much related to each other. It's not a place anyone unrelated to the locals should ever visit. Its difficult to navigate with few exits. Crime is rife, money is made from theft, with a constant circulation of goods. Children often venture to Crofton where they act out mafia type behaviour, taking energy drinks, from other children using threats of the violence. The village community group intimate and harass anyone from outside the area, often spreading rumours, about shop lifting, washing stealing and window smashing. Its near impossible to be accepted as an outsider. Streethousers are streethousers born and bred. Breeding chickens is the main hobby of residents. The local accent is similar to tge dewsbury moor accent but people do smile in streethouse.
I live in streethouse, it's a village.
by Standingsarah44 February 10, 2021
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