Strathallan is an independent publc school located in Forgandeny, Perthshire.

The pupils that go, or have gone here, can be identified as trying very hard to portray an image that they would like to associate with, this includes Wealth, Class and general academic prowess.

Examples of trying to portray wealth would include wearing Adidas and using clean needles. They attempt to project their class by changing their underwear every week.

It is fortunate for the school's academic record that establishments like Napier have now been made into a University so that they can continue their claim that 95% of pupils go to one.

They pupils are also known for indulging in homosexual behaviour. It is rumoured that docking was first established at this 'school' in 1954 (the first known example).

I met this boy from Strathallan the other day it was a shame, but I noticed that he couldn't pronounce his name (Tom).

by Nick H Scotland September 21, 2008
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The kind of person you will only ever meet one of. You should spend your time well with this person, as their messages and thoughts are quite valuable. However, dont let their rough exterior put you off. Inside every Strathallan there is nothing but heart. A rare find.
"Wow, you look smarter now."

"Really? I just talked to a Strathallan"
by Strathallan August 18, 2008
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