Feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor often whilst wearing knitted turtlenecks.
"Stockholm Syndrome is the reason I have such a great relationship with both my men and my dogs"
by SplashMan93 May 7, 2017
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You might know it as the popular song by One Direction but it is a real syndrome.
Stockholm syndrome is a syndrome that is gained during being kidnapped. You begin to gain positive feelings for that person usually of the opposite sex. The main reason for obtaining Stockholm Syndrome is the kidnapper telling the captor that they will no kill them or if they feed them on a regular basis.

The captor begins to feel grateful and think of them as a good person or even start to gain feelings for their kidnapper not wanting to be rescued.

When they are rescued they talk about their captor as good or even loving person.
Belle from 'Beauty and The Beast' is said to have Stockholm Syndrome.

person 1, "Look at that girl on the TV, she just got rescued from that awful man."
person 2, "Whats's she saying?"
person 1, "That he was a great person. But he kidnapped her!"
by Daisy Tomlinson January 15, 2017
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Stockholm Syndrome is went a captor form and emotional bond with the kidnapper
I got stockholm Syndrome after getting kidnapped. No, I'm not talking about the One Direction song
by Darcy Horan March 28, 2021
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The first episode of the HBO series, Bored to Death, with Jason Schwartzman. Began the series slow, but turned amazing.
1: Did you see the first episode of Bored to Death?
2:Stockholm Syndrome? Yes, it was good.
1: I'm just glad the others got better.
by thisisdefinitelynotmyname December 11, 2009
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Guy 1: Dude, at first I just got raped a lot but now I totally roflcaptor willingly all the time.
Guy 2: I can tell from your clever change of vowel that you have Stockholm Syndrome, a condition causing you to totally get it on with sexual predators voluntarily.
by jonnygoo October 3, 2009
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Stockholm Syndrome is the current psychosis befalling white America today. Held hostage by "hip-hop" culture and crafty marketing. Liberal democrats throughout the the '70s and '80s sought to create equality between the races. Given power by other wealthy liberals looking to score points to get into heaven, they have given this country away to people who subsist on hand-outs or are not even citizens, they won without a fight. These cultures now hold us hostage in our own country and our daughters are "mudducks" and sons "wiggers". Thanks Democrats, I guess we move to ??? and start over, enjoy your cream colored grandkids your forefathers would be so proud! Guess there's no wrong side of the tracks when you're laying on them.
Hey, look at Sally Albino over there.
Yeah, she just had a new baby.
Another one?
Yeah, fallout from the last gang turf war, this baby's brown.
Yeah, she looks like a chola this week, shaved her eyebrows and everything.
Looks better on her than cornrows.
What's she gonna do when the Asians show up.
Beat's me, Stockholm Syndrome's a bitch.
by Tim O'Reilly August 29, 2006
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When a woman, who happens to be the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, steals your heart and won't give it back and all you can do is love her for it.
Aron: I heard that guy David got Stockholm Syndrome really bad.

Jason: Yeah, he just won't give it up. He's not even paying attention to those other girls.
by thatguyoverthere333 May 3, 2010
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