when you repeat something that was said two seconds ago by someone else in earshot.
My god you pulled a stedman.
by badsasd October 21, 2006
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Someone with little to zero work ethic, and demands to be the highest paid.
He wants a pay rise? What for? My god he is such a Stedman
by Snoopypoo May 31, 2015
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An Obese 14 year old who talks way to fucking much, he’s very homoerotic but he’s always fucking things up, nobody loves a stedman
Wow, you’re acting like a real “Stedman”
by StardustCourt April 8, 2021
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a very amazing dashing mother fucker who has the most fucking skills in lacrosse and a man who could whip any ones ass
daniel odgers stedman for da bois
by fer da bois April 7, 2017
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Max is the type of person who won’t admit to things but it’s obvious. He can be very funny but if u is a sensitive bitch ur not going to like his jokes. Max is the realest guy u will ever meet and all of his friends are real too. He also has the power of detecting fake people.
person 1: Max Stedman is so gay.
person 2: Max are u gay?
Max: what?! No i’m not 😉
Fakest bitch: Omg Max can i be ur friend?
Max: *detecting fakeness* NO BITCH
Fakest bitch: hahaha ur funny
Max: i know i am
Fakest bitch: 😭 ur so mean 😖
by yeye666 February 13, 2019
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