The most smackkkkking mushroom infused chocolate bar ever,it’s holographic,is better than when Tupac came back as his digital self , only consume a few pieces, if you face the whole bar find a couch immediately.
That staycation bar was bussin, ya feel me, that ZAZA ain’t no joke these bars got me chasing spirit animals thru time square.....yeeerrrrrrrd!
by Paper monster March 29, 2021
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(adi) A description for time well spent at place of residence.

(verb) A period of time when a person finds activity to keep themselves amused in a comfortable environment.

(noun) a vacation whereas the individual remains in a familiar surrounding.
"Next month, I am planning a staycation with the kids for backyard camping."
by Decked September 3, 2017
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U.K. word meaning to travel one hundred or more miles and across a border to holiday in an area where you spend most of your time moaning that there is no MacDonald's and getting upset whenever someone speaks in their native language.
"Wim com frum Dudlaaaaayyyyyyyyyy for a staycation in Wayuls but there ay no Maccies and everywun starts talkin in Welsh wen yow guu inna shop and start speaking Ingluish when we guu owuut. Wim av dur righ to cum ere coz we ay got no beaches up our end."
by scatwitch July 24, 2021
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A temporary furniture arrangement, especially in a less efficient though more fresh and novel fashion, whose arrangers fully intend on rearranging back to the original format after short-term display.

Derives from the fact that such a furniture setup is fun to visit, but is not ideal to live with for long; being in the home, it is properly coined the "staycation" arrangement.
Our couch is in the middle of the room diagonally because it's in our staycation arrangement.
by HefeBoss February 4, 2016
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The time beginning mid-March 2020, when people stayed home in an act of global solidarity against COVID-19. An initially high-anxiety, high-stress period worldwide, people finally emerged healthier, better organized, and more confident and self-reliant than prior.
Thanks to The Great Staycation, potential homeowners now ask themselves "can I really imagine being stuck in this house for 14+ days?"
by Patient48 March 22, 2020
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