When a person is about ready to climax and they begin to ejaculate they have gas and begin to fart while they cum.
She began squarting as her boyfriend pumped her tight pussy.
by Ragnar1627 December 28, 2016
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The noise made and unsatisfactory delivery of the contents of a squeezy bottle sauce if it has not been stored correctly, vertically on its cap. Etymology squirt and fart.
The squarting ketchup prompted aunt Nelly to hurriedly open the windows during last Fridays dinner party
by leguy September 4, 2006
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A contraction of "squished" or "squat," and "short;" used to define an object or creature that looks as if it has been squished comically short, but without damaging or injuring the entity.
I pressed the cutting board down into the top of the loaf of bread that now it looks squart.
by June 12, 2021
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The unintended, and typically powerful, expulsion of gas thru the anus that occurs when one is doing heavy squats in the gym. Occurs at any age, but becomes more pronounced, uncontrolled, and liquid after the age of 50. May also occur on any other heavy lift, but must be unintended (otherwise, it is just a standard, run-of-the-mill fart).
Last time I was in the gym, I squarted so loud that it cleared everyone out and I had the gym to myself for the rest of the day.
by The Blue Darter March 9, 2019
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When a man squirts a quart of cum!
I gave that cumpire a squart an' she swallowed every drop!
by Peter Crammer August 8, 2006
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When someone has a wet fart, that you can't control.
Poo juice may be formed in ones arse.
Person 1: What the fuck was that!

Person 2: My bad....That was my squart

Person 1: righhhtttt.....
by Squarter June 10, 2008
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The act of cutting a fart from a squatting position.....
Jerry was squatting down to get his keys, when he suddenly squarted in front of Amy.
by Mook Bug July 18, 2019
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