The male version of Camel Toe. Occurs when a man's scrotum splits into 2 separate regions due to tight pants or boxers giving the appearance of Camel Toe.
During my interview with the CEO, the dude's pants were so tight in the crotchal region, he had a major case of split sack.
by SpeedoWhore June 1, 2011
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The act of wearing jeans so tight ur sack gets seperated at the seat of ur pants and eventually splits into two seperate sacks each containing one ball.
- "His jeans are so tight."
- "yeah i bet thats giving him split sack syndrome"
by Wild Wallrus May 25, 2011
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verb, noun:
1. testes are placed upon the bridge of the nose so that bifurcation results in each testicle resting within each eye socket. The shaft of a (preferably) erect but acceptably flaccid penis rests upon the bridge of the nose of the recipient of the SSEM.

Note: Simply leaning backwards results in "The Unicorn Effect" in which the shaft rises upward while the testicles remain in the eye sockets.

Genital temperature should remain at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, which can be achieved in a warm water bath.
"While anticipating a tea-bag, I thought I went blind but discovered, to my relief, that I was recieving not a tea bag, but a Split Sack Eye-Mask."
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