A TV network, formerly known as The National Network, formerly known as the Nashville Network. They changed their focus c. 2001 to become a "guy's" network rather than a country network. Their keystone programming includes Star Trek: The Next Generation, VIP, and various wrestling events. This covers all important guy interests (technology, hot girls, violence). Their acquisition of Exclusive syndication rights to Star Trek TNG was a major ratings boost.
"I want to make the ultimate guy's show. It'll have technology, sex, and violence all in one package."
"What will you call it?"
"Android Kick-Fucking"
"Spike TV will be all over that."
by Dave September 20, 2003
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The male answer to the feminist crap on Lifetime
A REAL man watches Spike!
by Trudeau October 29, 2004
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The channel formerly know as TNN. (I think)
"yo jerry...i was just watching Spike TV last night."
by mademoiselle September 23, 2003
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"Nashville Network" Version 2 disguised under a different name and lack of squaredancing shows.
The first network for men. Because we know how all men share a brain.
by jen September 7, 2004
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