Occurring when something is so sparkly, glittery or otherwise shimmery and shiny that it temporarily overloads your senses with sheer delight possibly causing a need for new underpants.

The physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sparkly excitement, usually resulting from stimulation of the eyes by glitter, jewels or otherwise shimmery, shiny objects.

An instance of experiencing this.
The glitter eyeliner at the makeup store caused her to have a sparklegasm.

The diamond is so big that I have to change my panties when I look at it because I have a sparklegasm.
by mama-zilla January 2, 2011
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Sparklegasm (spar-cull-gaz-um) a word referring to when a vampire from the Twilight universe experiences sexual gratification so intensely that sparkles emit from their skin as they orgasm
When Bella had sex as a vampire for the first time in Breaking Dawn Pt.2, she had a sparklegasm
by Effervescentsnail April 26, 2022
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