1) A very clever sketch performed by the Monty Python boys consisting of a group of blundering cardinals dressed in silly red hats who laugh diabolically and torture unsuspecting english persons with dish-drying racks. Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms...
2) What nobody expects.
by jiffy pop May 19, 2004
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when you are being interrogated/questioned ruthlessly by an individual or individuals.
Girlfriend: where were you last night?
me: at home.
Girlfriend: why didn't you answer my calls?
me: my phone was dead.
girlfriend: well why didn't you call?
Me: damn! what the hell is this??? the Spanish inquisition???
by Durty Hutchinson March 2, 2008
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a heterosexual lovemaking position wherein:

• the man ejaculates inside the woman just before she is about to orgasm
• then unexpectedly performs oral sex to finish her off
• finally, shouts "nobody expects the spanish inquisition!"
Example 1:
He felt guilty about finishing before she did, so he made amends by performing the Spanish Inquisition.

Example 2:
Man: <performs the spanish inquisition>
Woman: wow, well, i certainly didn't expect that
Man: nobody expects the spanish inquisition!
by Team Moxie September 3, 2013
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When you are at a strip club and the stripper has her back to you & you attempt to grab one of her breasts by reaching through her legs.
I was at Chicks n' Beer in Rosarito and this stripper was dancing in front of me and my buddy Scott gave her the Spanish Inquisition. It was sweet!
by Jimboooo May 3, 2006
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When you are at a strip club and the dancer has her back to you & you attempt to grab one of her breasts by reaching through her legs.
I was at Chicks n' Beer in Rosarito and this stripper was dancing in front of me and my buddy gave her the Spanish Inquisition. It was sweet!
by Jimboooo May 15, 2006
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In the early years of the 16th century, to combat the rising tide of religious unorthodxy, the Pope gave Cardinal Ximinez of Spain leave to move without let or hindrance throughout the land, in a reign of violence, terror and torture that makes a smashing film. This was the Spanish Inquisitions...
Man- "I didn't expect this kind of spanish inquisition"
by ImmaLumberjack November 11, 2010
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