Tommie Lindh var en 19 årig kille som dog efter att han försöktedda sin kvinnliga kompis från att bli våldtagen av en invandrare.

Att vara som Tommie Lindh betyder att man offrar allt för att rädda sina nära och kära från något.
Vän 1: Hörde du att Linus hamnade på sjukhus, han sägs ha hamnat där efter ett bråk.
Vän 2: Ja han var som Tommie Lindh, han försöktedda sin lillebror från att bli rånad och offrade allt för sin lillebror.
by EnSvenskNationalist August 7, 2020
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A sleep disorder that involves sleep walking and "sleep eating".
Jeff: "I left a bucket of chicken legs RIGHT THERE in the fridge."
Doctor: "And no one else ate it?"
Jeff: "No way! I live alone and the door was bolted!"
Doctor: "...You may have a rare case of 'som "nom-nom" nambulism'."
by Lalizig February 20, 2009
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When a dude pulls up to youre crip and violates the shit out of you untill your boiled like pasta
by Kokad Som Pasta December 8, 2021
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When you drink so much alkohol that you could have filled a whole coocking vessel. Furthermore may you experience an extreme hangover, a bunch of random people sleeping next to you and the fact that you have most liklely attracted a plattera of different sexually transmitted diseases.
"Erik was full som en kastrull yesterday!"

"How come?"

"He bloddy stole a bike and allowed his friends to sleep in his flat"

"Sheeiiiit, I wounder if they even remember what happend between 6am and 8 am"

"I guess not, but we better not tell them"
by De Penguins September 24, 2017
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when u dont dab like all the other kids
simon says: "jeg dabber som jeg vil"
by Elfving03 June 20, 2018
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Definition that you can use in Slovakia. Especially in eastern Slovakia.
This phrase can be used as an answer once you had enough alcohol already and waiter or barman is offering you more.
Barman: One more beer?

You: Som dobrý
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