Whenever a person queues for a game in a ranked online game such as League of Legends or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive alone (as opposed to playing with friends or friends of friends). People who do this typically run into the issue of having incompetent teammates or going up against a premade opposing team.
Person A: Dude, I just solo queued a cs game in mm and got deranked because I got matched with a team full of friends and my team didn't know what they were doing.
Person B: That sucks bro, next time invite me so we can duo queue and carry next time.
by _Wes June 11, 2015
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Going into a online game lobby and matching with random players from internet. Usually ends up having disabled people on your team.
Let me queue up for a solo queue game i forgot how autistic people act
by CANCERRRRRRRR March 24, 2017
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Getting into a game alone which increases the risks of getting dumb team mates.
Solo queue? more like get demoted because of dumb team mates.
by Ignore_My_Name June 11, 2017
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ZAC is the definition of a solo queue champ
by September 15, 2020
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