An ecosystem in which homo sapiens dwell. Most individual homo sapiens try to copy what the other creature does to fit into a pack or group although they are blissfully unaware of what they are doing. We are just like apes, unaware of the effect we have on mankind and the world, unlike that of scientist.
Society is just a bunch of animals that can build things like other animals and can organize just like bees, wolves and chimps. There may be a god, but non biased sociologist ,psychologist, and other scientist who can prove things by logic are gods among these ordinary primates. We intelligent folk exercise to stay healthy, humans do this to attract others especially the opposite sex.
by David Wolf August 1, 2006
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Adhere to the group.Don't have any thoughts that aren't sanctioned by the group.Big Brother is watching you.He'll give you 666 in his little tool shed.Sad faggot that one.
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What humans live off of.

Society is made for the ‘perfects’ in life. And if you aren’t in it. You are considered trash, useless, ugly trash. Nobody cares if you cry and try to fit in. If you don’t, you don’t. It’s best to not care. But don’t worry everyone dies in the end.
Popular girl: omg look at that hideous rat.

‘Nerd’: Well no shit Sherlock. You can finally see yourself. fuck society.
by PleaseStopAndGetHelp June 12, 2018
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