when you're having a snack, and its too good

also said in a British accent
omg this snock is sooo good
by lit shook god leblanc January 17, 2018
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The state of a sneeze stuck in your nose.
I was about to sneeze but I got snocked.

I glanced into the sun to unsnock myself.
by mementousagi May 22, 2017
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A snowball with a rock in it that gnomes throw at children.
That garden gnome just broke some pussy kid's nose with a snock!
by Dr. Bates December 8, 2010
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the act of sneezing on a gentleman's cock during intimate moments.
Yes, I have received a snock.
by snockdiscoverer July 11, 2011
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A casual and undefined measure of time. Usually refers to arriving to a certain location or event. Similar to jiffy, and bit.
Not to be confused with sock, or shock.
*White girl 1: hey when are you getting to coachella?
White girl 2: Oh I’m just down the road; be there in a snock
*Not only in use for white girls
by Alltaywell April 2, 2019
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The big icy blocks of snow and dirt that adher to the bottom edges of your car after driving through snow. Frozen dirty slush rocks hanging from your car bottom.
I hurt my foot kicking the snocks off of my car after yesterday’s snowstorm.
by Zeszu November 12, 2019
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To pull one over on someone. To fool, trick, hoodwink, bamboozle. To pull a fast one.
Politicians sure know how to snock it to the regular people!
by Cushie8 July 10, 2011
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