A rather large not-to-well-known species of humans who are slightly slower than most. They lack what is commonly known as fubbiness (fubby). (If i had a gal i would dedicate this to her!!)
Hey that kid is 3.602 miles behind us.He's a sloth!!
by Noot(er) October 7, 2004
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Someone as ugly or retarded as the character 'Sloth' from "The Goonies."
G - Did he just lick that doorknob?
B - Yeah, my little brother is a straight up sloth!
by GandB May 17, 2009
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A mischevious creature featured in the movie "The Goonies". He is deformed and likes chocolate. His friend is Chunk.
"Man, I have nightmares about Sloth coming to get me."
by Pr0ph3t March 29, 2003
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To be very lazy and fat and not want to do anything.
Ethan is such a sloth he never wants to do anything.
by pizza tits April 19, 2008
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1.) A goth or greb that flirts a lot or isn't a virgin (under 16)
2.) someone who you would usually call a goth but is also wearing slutty clothing
3.) someone who you would usually call a goth but is also acting like a slut
That girl is such a slut and look at all that black she wears. she must be a sloth
by Donna-Nathalie December 3, 2006
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The definition of sloth is having slow reactions like the animal itself many people that play the online game called runescape would also think of a person named Cona Pk3r.
Cona Pk3r is Pking with his clan brutality at east dragons and dies for his dragon claw's due to Korasi protecting over it and is just slow like the Sloth at understanding how fucking retarded he is.
by The real Brian Badonde December 1, 2012
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