The ligma star cluster L1-41DS, lies a planet uniquely named Gargolon where a mass of land creates the most beautiful speices of women. Slizzarico. Namely, the slizzericans genotype has been rumored to be the most beautiful creatures to roam the galaxy.
Alien life form 1: if my calculations are correct, this is where the slizzericans inhabit.

Alien form 2: why don't you recover a sample to make sure

Alien life form 1: you are correct, I shall do as you ask.

Alien life form 2: so go over to that hot piece of tail and buy it a drink.

Alien life form 1: I'm a balding loser, no slizzerican ever would date me.

Alien life form 2: Well shit dawg, can't argue facts my big eyed 12 handed anthropd fiendish friend. Let's go home my guy.
by 6 bohrillion December 5, 2018
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