where the busiest place is called the basket case
by bilo April 2, 2006
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an area located in south seattle best known for its for its drive by shootings, and welfare moms.
"WEE WOO, WEE WOO, WEE WOO" (Police Siren)
All day, Everyday
by SouthSideSoulja101 October 5, 2010
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Sex game, you choose a random bitch (there’s a new game mode too with gays instead!) and than you put your dick in the pussy (or ass if your into men, I don’t judge) and than insert your finger in the vagina (or dick hole) and than you thrust super hard with both your penis and finger.
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 12, 2023
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For two guys to put a clear tube in both of their assholes and shit back and forth.
Those two dudes skywayed eachother harcore!
by bigbosshog March 19, 2007
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When two people place a tube (preferably clear) in between their assholes and poop back and forth into eachothers assholes.
"Hey doug! wanna give me a Skyway later?"

"Sure, i'd love to place a tube (preferably clear) in between our assholes and poop back and forth into eachothers assholes."
by Big Money Cash Hoe August 5, 2007
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When two people connect their assholes with a plastic tube, preferably clear. They take turns pooping, sending eachothers poop back and forth until either the skyway is full or their bowels are empty.
Think of a bustling metro skyway, except instead of business people passing through, it is human excrement.

A: "I have to poop"
B: "I have to poop too"
A: "Wanna skyway?"
B: "Is that even a question"

by nile billy November 12, 2007
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An area mistaken for the hood in the previous definition. It is a generally low income neighborhood, but its actually an OK neighborhood. Plenty of middle class families living here.
Person 1- You live in Skyway??? Isn't that the hood?
Person 2- Nah, skyway isnt that bad.
by Allidoissmoke222 January 22, 2017
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