A fabulous ric member who is better than SireChicken. They are very kind and the best Sire member. THey are one day going to become a Area Manager for RIC and make SireChicken resign in fear. This means they will be the RIC director which will send shivers down my spine.
SireSeea is the best
by fczombie5 December 29, 2022
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SireSeea, is a very very extremely extraordinary individual. If I could put a bet on my first borns left kidney about him solving world hunger, my first born would be safe. He has helped me with my honours AP calculus homework. Clearly is well educated. Crazy story actually, during a long horrid winter morning. A HUGE blizzard struck my city. I was distraught?!? My whole life flashed before my eyes but…. BOOM! I saw my door open and saw this big muscular hunk of a man… SireSeea. He picked me up and slumped me over his very very very very enriched with muscle shoulder. And made our way to safety. Man I am extremely grateful for SireSeea
SireSeea gets all the bitches- ReaperJamila
by Jaammmmilaa December 29, 2022
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